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Illustrations to fairy tales have been attracting me for a long time. For several years, before discovering embroidery as my passion, I've been dabbling with drawing such illustrations. Such as this sketch ...
Allerleirauh (Thousandfurs)
The Long Shadow of the Father
... or this ...
... or this beginning of a sketch ...
Sleeping Beauty
... or even this:
Little Red Riding Hood
"Oh, Grandmother, what a horribly big mouth you have!"
I should add that I interpret fairy tales in my very individual way. So, for example, I don't put the wolf down as the evil ravisher, but as an emancipator, encouraging you to cross your boundaries, to embark on new adventures.
Now that I am into embroidery, it is perfectly clear for me that I must embroider illustrations to fairy tales. They should be much less elaborate, however, because I don't want to sit over them for months and years. Drawing is faster. Embroidery is nicer.
Now feel yourself invited to have a look at my embroidered fairy tales and their making-of: