I don't know why fish fascinate me so. As do insects or snakes. Or birds. But two years ago I watched a BBC documentary on deep-sea creatures. I was so dumbstruck that ever since, I'm obsessed by the idea to embroider fish. Deep-sea fish in the first place.
The anglerfish was my second very own design (after the Rapunzel). As it turned out, I obviously have a pull to a humorous, cartoonish depiction. The anglerfish was followed by a blobfish.
It was the blobfish project where the agenda from my curriculum set in: the Recapitulating Sampler. I felt it would be nice and easy to stitch this fellow first in cross stitch, then in Assisi embroidery, followed by Colbert embroidery ... and so on.
Now, let's see what will come of this ... just click on a link below and have a look yourself!